Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dec. 20

Bo and I walked to a beach not far from the marina.

It had a beautiful park there and one of my favorite signs on the road. Hope you liked the mobile barber picture.

We say bump in the road but they say HUMP !!!

I keep forgetting  to say that the Bahamas' are English colony SO they drive on the left side of the car and the wrong side of the street.

The shoes I really need, a family on the cruise ship was at the beach and we took their picture and I had to get her shoes, they were from Panama City, FL.

Last night we bought fish(Wahee) from our neighor fishing boat and Bo fixed it want to buy more before we leave on Monday or Tuesday.


2 boats by us tried to leave and the winds were so strong they are coming back, there is a boat parade of lights tonight right by us so will be fun.

Our friends family arrives tomorrow from VA and MA so will fun to gather.

Everyone be safe over the holidays. Hold your family close and dear.

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